Who are Weaponsandammunitions.com
Table of Contents
Fake gun and ammunition scammers are posing as online retail storefronts and aiming to steal your cash and personal information with too-good-to-be-true ammo deals and offers. Scammers will ask for payment by insecure means such as Paypal (Friends and Family), Zelle, CashApp or even Bitcoin. They will refuse secure methods of payment such as cash in person or GunTab.com
GunScams.com aims to disrupt these scammers by exposing their fake websites online so that you can learn to avoid them.
Non Delivery Scams like Weaponsandammunitions.com follow a simple format which allows the criminal to steal money from their victims in multiple ways.
The criminals will first create a website or online page from which they will “sell” their goods. They will often offer weapons for sale on gun forums.
The scammer will then introduce you to the secondary “shipping” website which will have been created by the scammer. These websites can be very professional and will allow you to log in to see your item being shipped.
The scammer can then charge you for multiple other items such as made up import permits, police fees, etc.
Weaponsandammunitions.com Screenshot


The Sale: Scammers create professional looking websites or advertise on gun forums. They often offer weapons for low prices. No matter how scarce, they have multiple in stock.

The Shipping: Even though they have no intention of sending you anything, they will continue charging you more and more fees until you refuse to pay any more. Depending on what you are buying, they may then try to blackmail you. The shipping website they use will be another website they have created as part of the scam.

Payments: Paying for guns, accessories, and ammo online is difficult. All payment platforms like PayPal, Venmo, and Zelle prohibit these transactions. Criminals will refuse to use GunTab.com as an escrow service as it protects both buyers and sellers.
How can I help?
Scammers use bank accounts, Zelle accounts and other assorted payment types. Let us know the details and we will try and shut down their accounts.
Our goal is to gather as much information as possible about Weaponsandammunitions.com and the individuals behind it. By providing us with details about the criminals, we can create a comprehensive understanding of the scammer’s network and take steps to shut it down.
We welcome any information about the scammers, even if you haven’t lost any money. Disrupting their payment methods can have a greater impact on their operations than just shutting down a website, which can easily be recreated.
Protip: If the scammers provide you with bank account information, request that they use Bitcoin instead. If they offer a Zelle account, ask for a bank account to transfer the funds to. You can report multiple accounts to us for further investigation.
You should never give your banking information to these scammers.
You can support StopGunScams.com by visiting our sponsors. Our research and servers are supported by people like you visiting our sponsors. Visit our sponsors here:
Frequently Asked Questions

Is Weaponsandammunitions.com legit?
Weaponsandammunitions.com is a FireArms scam which offers FireArms for sale using a professional website however they NEVER deliver.
This is a common “non delivery” scam where the criminals will focus on people wanting to buy weapons or ammunition online. Once you have paid money to these criminals, they will continue to scam you by charging for delivery, permits, potential blackmail, etc etc.
They will never deliver.

Who owns Weaponsandammunitions.com?
Weaponsandammunitions.com is owned by criminals.
It was created and is maintained for the sole purpose of scamming people wishing to buy firearms online. The scammers behind Weaponsandammunitions.com take every opportunity to hide their tracks and even use money mules to launder the money so it cannot be traced back to them.
The WHOIS data shows the following:
Weaponsandammunitions.com was registered with Hosting Concepts B.V. d/b/a Registrar.eu on 2021-10-15. The domain is hosted on the following servers:
ns1.byethost20.org, ns2.byethost20.org.
The email used to register Weaponsandammunitions.com was https://contact-form.registrar.eu/?domainname=weaponsandammunitions.com&purpose=owner (REDACTED FOR PRIVACY).
Scammers always use a free email address or hide their email address behind a privacy option.
The registrant address claims to be in REDACTED FOR PRIVACY, NL.

Why can’t I find Weaponsandammunitions.com reviews?
Weaponsandammunitions.com is an extremely new domain created on 15th of October 2021. It may take several months of criminal behaviour before the website generates bad reviews. We aim to create a negative review for Weaponsandammunitions.com as soon as possible in order to prevent people from being scammed.

What is Weaponsandammunitions.com’s location?
You can find several physical addresses connected to Weaponsandammunitions.com. The criminals will often have an address on their website but, if asked, they will probably give you a secondary address. You can also find an address connected to the domain on the WHOIS records however the scammers will always use a false address.

Why is Weaponsandammunitions.com not working?
Scam websites like Weaponsandammunitions.com are frequently shut down by the registrar and/or the hosting company.
If the hosting is shutdown, the scammers will upload the website to a new hosting.
If the domain is shut down, the scammers will create a new, unblemished domain and website without any negative reviews.
They will then continue scamming.
Additional information?
We aim to collect as much information as possible about Weaponsandammunitions.com and the criminals behind it. If we have helped you, please help others by adding information that we do not have by clicking the link below.Let Us Know
How to recognise a Gun Purchasing Scam
Any of those concerns below are forgivable individually. But combined they are cause to worry that the Seller is a fraud. You will not be the scammers first potential victim and any time you question them you can be assured that they already have a scripted answer for every question you have.

Whois data
The Whois data will give you a lot of information such as the date registered (15th of October 2021)View WHOIS details

Email address
Scammers may use an email like [email protected] or [email protected] but may also use other email address over multiple domains.

Phone Manner
A genuine seller will use a phone number that is often published on their website. Scammers use multiple phone numbers to call, text or Whatsapp. Scammers phone manner will also be very vague as they don’t know which type of scam you are responding to!

Reverse Image
These scammers are not actually selling anything. They need to steal the photos online so as to appear that they actually have a gun for sale. Sometimes you can find the images they are using have been previously used. Sometimes even years before.
You can check if images have been previously used by using Google Image Search or Yandex Image search.

Payment Types
As usual, if it sounds good to be true, it is.
The prices on Weaponsandammunitions.com are too good to be true. Payment will be demanded using wire transfer or a peer to peer payment such as Zelle or CashApp. They may even ask by payment by Bitcoin or gift cards!. Some scammers use bank accounts of a money mule.When buying or selling guns, accessories, or ammo online you should protect yourself by using an escrow service such as GunTab.com.
You can report payment types here

Video Chat
Any gun store with a professional website like Weaponsandammunitions.com would be expected to be “engaged in the business” of dealing in firearms and should have a Federal Firearms License. Scammers will have copies of Firearms licences as they will con genuine sellers into sending a copy.
If you ask for a simple video chat over the phone so you can inspect the licence in real time, the scammer will refuse.
What are the red flags on Weaponsandammunitions.com?
There are multiple, various red flags on scam websites like Weaponsandammunitions.com. Some are easy to find while others are more technical or subtle.
They can include:
- Reusing photographs
- Minimal contact information
- Bad spelling or grammar
- Lack of social media links
- No external online reviews or bad online reviews
- Recently registered domains
- Insecure payment type (refuse to use a firearms escrow service)
Some call it a gut feeling, some call it an culmination of red flags. In any case anyone attempting to buy from Weaponsandammunitions.com will not need to be technically minded to see that the website is a scam. The minimal content of the website with minimal online history as well as either erratic or “copy and paste” corrospondence is enough for most people.
Many people, of course, won’t notice until it is too late.
Add to report
Shutting down Weaponsandammunitions.com will have no effect on the scammer or the scammers operations
Here at StopGunScams.com we aim to collect all the data that is connected to Weaponsandammunitions.com.
If you have any information, especially if it is connected to the methods of payment that the scammer is using, please click the link below and let us know.
Archive of Weaponsandammunitions.com website text
All products found on our website are available in stock. Products that are out of stock are offloaded, till they are available in stock again. Dismiss No products in the cart. Cart No products in the cart. Free Delivery World Wide* Loved by our Customers. 5000+ Reviews Free Returns and Free Shipping weapons and ammunition online Buy Weapons and Ammunitions Online Cheaper than dirt ammo for sale online. We are weapons and Ammunitions (W&A), an American company that aims to provide customers with a convenient place to buy ammo online and to buy guns online. We strive for the best customer service, not just in this industry, but the best customer service period. This company was founded to provide American citizens with the means to defend themselves and their families when law enforcement cannot respond quickly enough. Weekly Featured Products Firearms Accessories Knights RAS 7 Drop-In AR15/M4 Carbine Length Quad Rail Firearms Accessories Knights SR15 CQB Mod2 5.56mm 11.5 inch Upper Receiver Assembly Firearms Accessories B&T USW Conversion Kit for Glock G17/G19 Pistols Firearms Accessories Sage M14 / M1A EBR Enhanced Battle Rifle Chassis w/ Telescoping Stock Barrels Beretta 92 Series 9mm Threaded Barrel | 1/228 Ithaca Shotguns Model 37 28 Gauge Ithaca Shotguns Hogslayer Ithaca Shotguns Deer Slayer III Ithaca Shotguns Deer Slayer II SIG SAUER P226 Sig Sauer P226 MK25 SIG SAUER P226 Sig Sauer P226 Legion SAO Buy Guns & Ammo Online cheaper than dirt ammo Buying ammunition online is an easy and simple process here at Weapons and Ammunitions, and in most states your ammo can be delivered directly to your door. We have all the most popular calibers available for purchase, like 9mm, 223/5.56, 7.62x39mm, and more. When you buy ammo online here at Weapons and Ammunitions, ask any questions you may have to our helpful customer service representatives! To buy guns online, the process is similarly painless, and only requires that you have a gun store or FFL holder in your area that can accept your firearm and transfer it to you, and that you have the necessary state IDs or Permits readily available to share with our customer service team. cheaper than dirt ammo Have Any Questions or Need Some Help? When you buy ammo online here at our Ammunition Depot, you will have the opportunity to speak with one of our customer service representatives over the phone, via email, or chat with them here on the site if you have any questions. We are available with live support during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, from 9am-6pm EST. Call, chat, or email any questions or concerns and we will be happy to help! We strive to provide the absolute best customer service, period, so please let us know if we can help with your online ammo or firearm purchase in any way! Are You A Beginner And Dont Know Which Ammo Options To Use? Start Here Welcome to the best place to buy ammo online, Cheaper than dirt. Whether youre hunting, target shooting or looking for the best self-defense rounds ammo shopping can be overwhelming. The good news? Youve arrived at the best online ammo store that will help you find what you need and get it into your hands as quickly as possible. If you dont know where to start, here is a quick overview of the types of ammunition, the brands that carry them (both imported and American ammo), and their many varieties. Handgun Ammo True to its name, a handgun is small and lightweight making it popular for concealed carry. And while you may lose accuracy compared to shooting a rifle or shotgun, some of the most popular calibers in the world are designed for handguns. The.45 Colt. The9mm Luger. The.357 Magnum. The.40 Smith & Wesson. Not only are each of these cartridges an iconic piece of ammo history, but they also influenced the development of modern handgun ammunition. These legendary calibers are just the beginning. From military and law enforcement use to home protection and concealed carry, you will findhandgun ammofor a variety of uses. Rifle Ammo The rifles unmatched versatility is perhaps why it has been around for centuries. Its power and accuracy makes it popular for hunting, self defense and target shooting but the wide variety of rifles and ammo can be mind-boggling. Hunting with a rifle allows you to choose ammo for specific game. Small or large, varmint or predators, short range or long range therifle ammunitionavailable is so particular, it can mean the difference between hunting a black bear or a brown bear. And while a rifles length can make it difficult to maneuver in tight spaces, its accuracy makes it a popular choice for home defense, with the AR-15 among the most trusted in the U.S. Rimfire Ammo With less power than its centerfire counterpart (due to primer being at the base as opposed to the center), rimfire ammunition is most commonly used for plinking, target shooting and varmint hunting. Among rimfire ammo is one of the most widely used cartridges in the world the .22 Long Rifle. Many novice shooters use this iconic ammo as a learning tool and go on to use it for plinking and small-game hunting. cheaper than dirt ammo For those looking for a training ammunition that doesnt need the power of a centerfire cartridge, rimfire ammo is fun to shoot and is generally among the cheapest ammunition online. Shotgun Ammo Arguably the most specialized type of ammo on the market today,shotgun ammunitioncan be loaded for uses as specific as deer, squirrel and a variety of game birds. Shot sizes ranging from 000 (triple aught) to 12 shot and with varieties in lead, steel and buckshot the choices are seemingly endless, and they provide several excuses to own a shotgun. From sport shooting and hunting to home and personal defense, this firearm is as versatile as the amount of shotgun shells on the market. Less lethal ammo is also available for shotguns, including rubber bullets, which are often used by law enforcement for crowd control. Ammo Brands When most people think of the history of firearms, they think of the weapons themselves. But a gun is useless without its ammunition, which has a long and storied history in the United States dating back to the Founding Fathers and the use of armories. Commercial ammo as we know it today began with a familiar name, Eliaphalet Remington, who founded what is now the oldest manufacturer of firearms in the U.S. in 1816.Remingtonpaved the way forammo brandsacross the country likeHornadyandWinchester, as well as international brands like Italys Finocchi, RussiasWolf, and South KoreasPMC. We offer these brands and many more. Browse our inventory and learn the fascinating history behind these iconic ammunition manufacturers. Casings, Primers, Bullets & Shotgun Projectiles We go beyond offering you thebest deals on ammunition we want our customers to understand the anatomy of ammo. To do this, we must begin with casings. Available inaluminum,brass,nickel,steeland mixed varieties, casings are the ammunition packaging and can determine cost, weight, shelf life, and reloading capabilities. Inside these casings are primers, which is what gets struck by the firing pin, creates a flash and ignites the powder. They are available inBoxer,Berdanandrimfire each factors for performance, size and calibers. Propelled by this ignition is the bullet, which is simply the projectile and can come in dozens of varieties includinghollow point,full metal jacket,lead round nose, soft point and more that determine power, penetration, speed, expansion, safety and many other factors. Shotgun projectiles have similar qualities, but with pellets instead of a single bullet. Firearms Accessories Knights SR15 CQB Mod2 5.56mm 11.5 inch Upper Receiver Assembly Firearms Accessories B&T USW Conversion Kit for Glock G17/G19 Pistols Firearms Accessories Sage M14 / M1A EBR Enhanced Battle Rifle Chassis w/ Telescoping Stock Barrels Remington 870 14-Inch Shotgun Barrel w/ Bead Sights Firearms Accessories Colt 14.5 inch Upper Receiver Assembly Firearm SureFire SOCOM-SB2 Fast-Attach .223/5.56 Short Barrel Rifle Sound Suppressor Firearms Accessories Sage TS880RLW Remington 870 Telescoping Shotgun Stock Firearms Accessories Knights RAS 7.75 Handguard Tri-Rail for HK MP5 We have one of the largest stocking inventory selection of the best rimfire, handgun, and rifle ammunition. Every item listed in stock on our website is on hand at our warehouse. Login Username or email address* Password* Remember me Log in Lost your password?
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