Who are Firearms-broker.com
Table of Contents
Fake gun and ammunition scammers are posing as online retail storefronts and aiming to steal your cash and personal information with too-good-to-be-true ammo deals and offers. Scammers will ask for payment by insecure means such as Paypal (Friends and Family), Zelle, CashApp or even Bitcoin. They will refuse secure methods of payment such as cash in person or GunTab.com
GunScams.com aims to disrupt these scammers by exposing their fake websites online so that you can learn to avoid them.
Non Delivery Scams like Firearms-broker.com follow a simple format which allows the criminal to steal money from their victims in multiple ways.
The criminals will first create a website or online page from which they will “sell” their goods. They will often offer weapons for sale on gun forums.
The scammer will then introduce you to the secondary “shipping” website which will have been created by the scammer. These websites can be very professional and will allow you to log in to see your item being shipped.
The scammer can then charge you for multiple other items such as made up import permits, police fees, etc.
Firearms-broker.com Screenshot

Home – Firearms Broker

The Sale: Scammers create professional looking websites or advertise on gun forums. They often offer weapons for low prices. No matter how scarce, they have multiple in stock.

The Shipping: Even though they have no intention of sending you anything, they will continue charging you more and more fees until you refuse to pay any more. Depending on what you are buying, they may then try to blackmail you. The shipping website they use will be another website they have created as part of the scam.

Payments: Paying for guns, accessories, and ammo online is difficult. All payment platforms like PayPal, Venmo, and Zelle prohibit these transactions. Criminals will refuse to use GunTab.com as an escrow service as it protects both buyers and sellers.
How can I help?
Scammers use bank accounts, Zelle accounts and other assorted payment types. Let us know the details and we will try and shut down their accounts.
Our goal is to gather as much information as possible about Firearms-broker.com and the individuals behind it. By providing us with details about the criminals, we can create a comprehensive understanding of the scammer’s network and take steps to shut it down.
We welcome any information about the scammers, even if you haven’t lost any money. Disrupting their payment methods can have a greater impact on their operations than just shutting down a website, which can easily be recreated.
Protip: If the scammers provide you with bank account information, request that they use Bitcoin instead. If they offer a Zelle account, ask for a bank account to transfer the funds to. You can report multiple accounts to us for further investigation.
You should never give your banking information to these scammers.
You can support StopGunScams.com by visiting our sponsors. Our research and servers are supported by people like you visiting our sponsors. Visit our sponsors here:
Frequently Asked Questions

Is Firearms-broker.com legit?
Firearms-broker.com is a FireArms scam which offers FireArms for sale using a professional website however they NEVER deliver.
This is a common “non delivery” scam where the criminals will focus on people wanting to buy weapons or ammunition online. Once you have paid money to these criminals, they will continue to scam you by charging for delivery, permits, potential blackmail, etc etc.
They will never deliver.

Who owns Firearms-broker.com?
Firearms-broker.com is owned by criminals.
It was created and is maintained for the sole purpose of scamming people wishing to buy firearms online. The scammers behind Firearms-broker.com take every opportunity to hide their tracks and even use money mules to launder the money so it cannot be traced back to them.
The WHOIS data shows the following:
Firearms-broker.com was registered with NameSilo, LLC on 2021-08-24. The domain is hosted on the following servers:
dns1.namecheaphosting.com, dns2.namecheaphosting.com.
The email used to register Firearms-broker.com was [email protected] (REDACTED FOR PRIVACY).
Scammers always use a free email address or hide their email address behind a privacy option.
The registrant address claims to be in Phoenix, US.
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Why can’t I find Firearms-broker.com reviews?
Firearms-broker.com is an extremely new domain created on 24th of August 2021. It may take several months of criminal behaviour before the website generates bad reviews. We aim to create a negative review for Firearms-broker.com as soon as possible in order to prevent people from being scammed.

What is Firearms-broker.com’s location?
You can find several physical addresses connected to Firearms-broker.com. The criminals will often have an address on their website but, if asked, they will probably give you a secondary address. You can also find an address connected to the domain on the WHOIS records however the scammers will always use a false address.

Why is Firearms-broker.com not working?
Scam websites like Firearms-broker.com are frequently shut down by the registrar and/or the hosting company.
If the hosting is shutdown, the scammers will upload the website to a new hosting.
If the domain is shut down, the scammers will create a new, unblemished domain and website without any negative reviews.
They will then continue scamming.
Additional information?
We aim to collect as much information as possible about Firearms-broker.com and the criminals behind it. If we have helped you, please help others by adding information that we do not have by clicking the link below.Let Us Know
How to recognise a Gun Purchasing Scam
Any of those concerns below are forgivable individually. But combined they are cause to worry that the Seller is a fraud. You will not be the scammers first potential victim and any time you question them you can be assured that they already have a scripted answer for every question you have.

Whois data
The Whois data will give you a lot of information such as the date registered (24th of August 2021)View WHOIS details

Email address
Scammers may use an email like [email protected] or [email protected] but may also use other email address over multiple domains.

Phone Manner
A genuine seller will use a phone number that is often published on their website. Scammers use multiple phone numbers to call, text or Whatsapp. Scammers phone manner will also be very vague as they don’t know which type of scam you are responding to!

Reverse Image
These scammers are not actually selling anything. They need to steal the photos online so as to appear that they actually have a gun for sale. Sometimes you can find the images they are using have been previously used. Sometimes even years before.
You can check if images have been previously used by using Google Image Search or Yandex Image search.

Payment Types
As usual, if it sounds good to be true, it is.
The prices on Firearms-broker.com are too good to be true. Payment will be demanded using wire transfer or a peer to peer payment such as Zelle or CashApp. They may even ask by payment by Bitcoin or gift cards!. Some scammers use bank accounts of a money mule.When buying or selling guns, accessories, or ammo online you should protect yourself by using an escrow service such as GunTab.com.
You can report payment types here

Video Chat
Any gun store with a professional website like Firearms-broker.com would be expected to be “engaged in the business” of dealing in firearms and should have a Federal Firearms License. Scammers will have copies of Firearms licences as they will con genuine sellers into sending a copy.
If you ask for a simple video chat over the phone so you can inspect the licence in real time, the scammer will refuse.
What are the red flags on Firearms-broker.com?
There are multiple, various red flags on scam websites like Firearms-broker.com. Some are easy to find while others are more technical or subtle.
They can include:
- Reusing photographs
- Minimal contact information
- Bad spelling or grammar
- Lack of social media links
- No external online reviews or bad online reviews
- Recently registered domains
- Insecure payment type (refuse to use a firearms escrow service)
Some call it a gut feeling, some call it an culmination of red flags. In any case anyone attempting to buy from Firearms-broker.com will not need to be technically minded to see that the website is a scam. The minimal content of the website with minimal online history as well as either erratic or “copy and paste” corrospondence is enough for most people.
Many people, of course, won’t notice until it is too late.
Add to report
Shutting down Firearms-broker.com will have no effect on the scammer or the scammers operations
Here at StopGunScams.com we aim to collect all the data that is connected to Firearms-broker.com.
If you have any information, especially if it is connected to the methods of payment that the scammer is using, please click the link below and let us know.
Archive of Firearms-broker.com website text
No products in the cart. Cart No products in the cart. FIREARMS BROKER, THE GUN STORE OF CHOICE. THE SALE OF GUNS AND AMMUNITION ARMY AND MILITARY SHOP ONLINE GUN Welcome to the firearms-broker.com online store. trading company. Based on our many years in the market, we have become one of the most successful online retailers selling over-the-counter firearms, ammunition, accessories and defense equipment. Through web sales we can offer you the sale of all weapons for which specific Slovak legislation does not prohibit their sale or the conclusion of a contract at a distance. We can offer you weapons for which distance selling is prohibited by specific Slovak laws in our brick-and-mortar shop if the relevant legal conditions are met (e.g. afirearmslicense, a purchase permit, etc.). WIDE RANGE AND LARGE SELECTION: We offer a wide range of over-the-counter weapons and accessories (e.g. air guns, airsoft guns), optic sights especially for over-the-counter weapons (e.g. rifle scopes, laser sights and collimators), defensive equipment (e.g. defensive sprays, telescopic batons). We also offer eye and ear protection from major arms manufacturers and much more. We also sell professional equipment for armed private or state security forces (police, military, SBS, etc.), such as professional handcuffs, batons, tonfas, shielding cases, detection mirrors, impactresistantpolice shields, tactical flashlights, etc. Handgun collection You go to great lengths to minimize threats to your life, but sometimes a deadly situation is unavoidable. While every scenario is unique and requires personal decisions, having properhandgun education, training, equipment, and practice are crucial. 1911-22 Black Label Suppressor Ready Muzzle Brake Laser 1911-22 Black Label Medallion Compact 1911-22 Flat Dark Earth/FDE Compact 1911-22 Black Label Gray 1911-22 Black Label Gray with Rail 1911-380 Black Label Pro American Flag 1911-380 Black Label Compact 1911-22 Compact Red 1911-22 Black Label Full Size 1911-22 Black Label Compact 1911-380 Black Label Medallion Pro 1911-380 Black Label Pro Tungsten 1911-380 Black Label Medallion Laser 1911-380 Black Label Pro Stainless Full Size 1911-380 Speed/Speed Compact 1911-380 Black Label Medallion Pro Compact 1911-380 High Grade/High Grade Compact 1911-22 Black Label Full Size with Rail 1911-380 Black Label Medallion Pro 1911-22 Black Label Gray Compact 1911-22 Black Label Medallion Full Size 1911-380 Black Label Pro Stainless Full Size with Rail 1911-22 A1 Full Size 1911-380 Compact Flat Dark Earth 1911-22 A1 Compact Calif. Compliant 1911-22 Black Label Compact with Rail 1911-22 Black Label Full Size Suppressor Ready with Rail 1911-22 Compact Blue 1911-22 A1 Full Size Calif. Compliant 1911-380 Black Label Pro 1911-380 Black Label Pro Stainless Compact 1911-380 Black Label Pro Stainless Compact with Rail 1911-22 Gray Full Size/Compact 1911-22 Black Label Compact Suppressor Ready with Rail 1911-380 Medallion Stainless Engraved/Compact 1911-380 Black Label Pro Compact 3-Dot with Rail 1911-22 A1 Compact 1911-22 A1 Compact Gray Calif. Compliant 1911-380 Black Label Pro Compact 1911-380 Black Label Pro w/Rail 1911-22 Speed/Speed Compact 1911-22 Black Label Tungsten 1911-22 Black Label Gray Compact with Rail 1911-380 Black Label Full Size 1911-380 High Grade/High Grade Compact 1911-380 Black Label Medallion Pro Compact 1911-22 Black Label Gray with Rail 1911-22 Black Label Gray Compact 1911-22 Flat Dark Earth/FDE Compact 1911-380 Black Label Pro Compact 1911-380 Speed/Speed Compact 1911-22 Black Label Full Size Suppressor Ready with Rail 1911-22 A1 Compact Calif. Compliant 1911-22 Black Label Tungsten 1911-380 Medallion Stainless Engraved/Compact 1911-22 Black Label Compact Suppressor Ready with Rail 1911-380 Black Label Pro Compact 3-Dot with Rail 1911-22 Black Label Medallion Full Size 1911-380 Black Label Medallion Pro 1911-380 Black Label Compact 1911-22 A1 Full Size 1911-380 Black Label Medallion Pro 1911-380 Black Label Pro Stainless Full Size 1911-380 Black Label Pro Stainless Full Size with Rail 1911-380 Compact Flat Dark Earth 1911-380 Black Label Pro American Flag 1911-22 Speed/Speed Compact 1911-22 Black Label Compact with Rail 1911-22 Gray Full Size/Compact 1911-380 Black Label Pro w/Rail 1911-22 Compact Blue 1911-380 Black Label Medallion Laser 1911-22 Black Label Gray Compact with Rail 1911-22 Black Label Suppressor Ready Muzzle Brake Laser 1911-22 A1 Compact 1911-380 Black Label Pro Tungsten 1911-380 Black Label Pro Stainless Compact with Rail 1911-380 Black Label Full Size 1911-22 A1 Compact Gray Calif. Compliant 1911-22 Compact Red 1911-22 A1 Full Size Calif. Compliant 1911-380 Black Label Pro Stainless Compact 1911-22 Black Label Gray 1911-22 Black Label Compact 1911-380 Black Label Pro 1911-22 Black Label Medallion Compact 1911-22 Black Label Full Size with Rail 1911-22 Black Label Full Size GUN STORE NEAR YOU| BUY GUNS ONLINE Firearms-Broker offers legendary firearm brands such as the Kimber, SIG Sauer Company, the Browning, the CZ-USA, the Beretta, the Smith & Wesson, the Benelli, the Ruger, and many others. Browse the selection of new firearms for sale from all these amazing companies available for online purchase, and have it delivered to your nearest FFL dealer. There are many reasons why people buy guns. Some buy for recreational purposes (fun) like hunting and target shooting while some buy for home and personal defense(Danger). Whatever the reason may be, Guns Online Store is the best place to buy affordable guns online that will meet all your needs. We follow all the guidelines and procedures put in place by authorities. Our Customer care is without rivalry and our customer keep coming back because of great customer care and knowledgeable staff About Us Our Group has made shopping for firearms more convenient by offering a selection of guns available for purchase online. While only applicable for new firearms, buying a gun online is simple. Select the firearm you want and we will ship it to your nearest FFL for pickup. Check your applicable federal, state, and local laws before attempting to acquire a firearm. Buy your next handgun, shotgun, or rifle online at our store. Chances are that if youre looking for it, youll find it here. With all of the leading cartridges in stock including .223 Remington, 5.56 NATO, 7.62x39mm, and .30-06 Springfield, as well as more uncommon loads, we have virtually every type of rifle round available for practice and self-defense. POPULAR BRANDS: We deal with the sale of well-known and less well-known world brands so that the customer can choose equivalents from different price ranges. We directly represent brands such as Euro Security Products (defense equipment), B.O. Manufacture (airsoft and air guns), DIANA (air guns), German Sport Guns (guns and accessories), Stil Crin (cleaning kits for guns), Czech Small Arms (guns and accessories). Of course, our offer also includes well-known brands such as Umarex and Walther (guns and accessories), Lancer Tactical (airsoft guns), Kral Arms (air guns), Steel Claw Knives (knives), Gamo (air guns) and many others. EXPANDING PRODUCT RANGE AND QUALITY SERVICES: Every year we expand our offer with hundreds of new products that might interest you. We are happy to advise any customer who needs help and advice. We are constantly trying to modernize our online shop to make it clear and understandable for the customer, to make the purchase quick and easy, and to make sure that they know everything they need to know about the product. If a customer finds a lower price in a competitors online shop, we do our best to offer an even better price. We always do our best to deal with complaints as quickly as possible and, if possible, to the customers satisfaction. We try to offer after-sales service for most of our products after the warranty expires. Our stable team consists of people who have many years of experience in selling our product range. Rifle collection Bergara B-14R .22 WMR Trainer 20 1/228 Carbon Fiber Rifle B14R006 Bergara Premier HMR PRO .308 Win. Threaded Barrel 20 Rifle BPR20308MC Bergara B-14 Hunter Wilderness .300 Win Mag Synthetic 24 Rifle B14LM111 Bergara Premier Series LRP 2.0 6.5 PRC Carbon Fiber Stock Threaded Bbl 26 Rifle BPR Bergara B-14 Ridge Rifle 7mm08 Synthetic Stock 22 B14S507 Bergara Premier HMR PRO 300WM Threaded Barrel 26 Rifle BPR20300MC Bergara B-14 Timber Rifle 6.5 Creedmoor Walnut Stock 22 B14S002 Bergara B-14 Ridge Wilderness SP (Special Purpose Short Bbl) 6.5 Cre Bergara B-14 Terrain Wilderness .308 Win Molded Mini-Chassis Stock 20 Rifle Bergara Premier Mountain 2.0 .308 Win Carbon Fiber Stock 22 Rifle BPR28-308 Bergara Premier Series Highlander 6.5 PRC Threaded Bbl 24 Rifle w/ Muzzlebrak X-Bolt Hunter X-Bolt Hells Canyon Long Range Fiber Fusion Bergara B-14 Ridge .270 Win Synthetic Stock 24 Rifle B14L502 Bergara B-14R .22 WMR Trainer 20 1/228 Steel Bbl Rifle B14R005 Bergara B-14 Ridge Rifle SP (Special Purpose Short Barrel) 6.5 Creedmoor Synthetic S Bergara B-14 HMR (Hunting & Match Rifle) 6.5 Creedmoor Molded MiniChassis Stock 2 Bergara B-14 Ridge Rifle .3006 Synthetic Stock 24 B14L501 Bergara B-14 HMR (Hunting & Match Rifle) 22-250 Win Mag Molded MiniChassis Stock 24 X-Bolt Micro Midas X-Bolt Western Hunter RMEF X-Bolt White Gold Medallion Bergara Premier HMR PRO HB 6.5 Creedmoor # 6 Heavy Threaded Barrel 24 Rifle B X-Bolt Max Long Range Bergara B-14 Hunter Rifle .300 Win. Mag. Synthetic Stock 24 B14LM101 Bergara B-14 LH HMR (Hunting & Match Rifle) .300 Win Mag LEFT HANDED 26 Bergara Premier Series Highlander 28 Nosler Threaded Bbl 26 Rifle w/ M Bergara B-14 HMR (Hunting & Match Rifle) 450 Bushmaster Molded MiniChassis Stock 20 Bergara B-14 Ridge 6.5 PRC Synthetic Stock 24 Rifle B14S509 Bergara Premier Series HMR PRO .300 Win Mag Threaded Bbl 26 Like New Demo Rifle Bergara BMR Micro Rimfire .22 WMR 20 Steel Bbl Rifle w/ (1) 5rd and (1) 10rd Mag Bergara Premier Approach Rifle 22250 Threaded Barrel 24 BPR21250F Bergara Premier HMR PRO 7mm Rem Mag Threaded Barrel 24 Rifle BPR207MMMC Bergara B-14 BMP Rifle (Match Precision Rifle) 6.5 Creedmoor Chassis Stock 24 B14S452 Bergara BMR Micro Rimfire .22 LR 18 Carbon Fiber Bbl Rifle w/ (1) 5rd and (1) 10r Bergara B-14 Ridge Wilderness SP (Special Purpose Short Bbl) .308 Wi Bergara Premier Series Approach .300 PRC Threaded Bbl 24 Rifle w/ Muzzlebrak Bergara B-14 Terrain Wilderness 6.5 PRC Molded Mini-Chassis Stock 24 Rifle Bergara B-14 Hunter Rifle .308 Synthetic Stock 20 B14S101 X-Bolt Hells Canyon Fiber Fusion Bergara B-14R .22 LR LH Trainer 18 1/228 Steel Bbl Rifle B14R001L Bergara Premier HMR PRO 6.5 Creedmoor Threaded Barrel 24 Rifle BPR2065MC Bergara B-14 Ridge .450 Bushmaster Synthetic Stock 20 Rifle B14S506 Bergara B-14 HMR 6.5 PRC Molded Mini-Chassis Stock 24 Rifle B14S359 Bergara B-14 HMR Wilderness .300 PRC Molded Mini-Chassis Stock Bergara Premier Ridgeback Rifle 6.5 PRC Threaded Barrel 26 BPR2265PRCF Bergara B-14 Ridge Wilderness 6.5 Creedmoor Synthetic Stock 22 Rifle w/ Bergara Premier Series Approach 28 Nosler Threaded Bbl 26 Rifle w/ Muzzlebra Bergara B-14 Ridge .300 PRC Synthetic Stock 24 Rifle B14LM508 X-Bolt Stainless Stalker Resolute 200 Rifle, MkG, 45 ACP Resolute 200 Rifle, Mk4, 22LR Resolute 200 Rifle, MkG, 45 ACP Resolute 200 Rifle, Mk4, 9mm RDB Resolute 200 Rifle, Mk4, 350 Legend Resolute 200 Rifle, Mk4, 5.56mm Resolute 200 Rifle, Mk4, 9mm RDB Resolute 200 Rifle, Mk4, 350 Legend Resolute 200 Rifle, Mk4, 22LR Resolute 200 Rifle, Mk4, 5.56mm Resolute 200 Rifle, Mk3, 308 WIN Resolute 200 Rifle, Mk3, 308 WIN Resolute 200 Rifle, MkGs, 9mm Resolute 200 Rifle, Mk4, 6.5 Grendel Resolute 200 Rifle, Mk4, 6.5 Grendel Resolute 200 Rifle, MkGs, 9mm HOW TO ORDER Browse our assortment and when youve found the item(s) you want, select Order Online. Choose the firearm and add to your card Availability of pickup location depends on item you ordered and you location. Review and agree to our Online Firearm Ordering Agreement. Complete the checkout process. Your local jurisdiction may impose an additional background-check fee or firearm tax that you will need to pay at time of pickup. Firearms are typically delivered to your location within 5 8 business days (10 18 business days max). All other items in your order will ship to the same location as your firearm. Youll receive an email notification when your items arrive at the location you chose. Firearms collection What is Firearms-Broker.com? Passionate about guns? is the perfect place for you! Firearms-Broker.com is a marketplace of gun enthusiasts dedicated to sharing our affinity for guns. Here you can buy guns online, find guns for sale online, discover new guns, and get information about guns. Think of Firearms-Broker.com as your gun spot for all things guns. The Firearms-Broker.com marketplace goes beyond guns for sale, and offers hunting gear, gun parts / accessories, collectibles, and much more. Buying your next gun online at the best price, have a gun for sale, or want to get educated about a gun? Firearms-Broker.com is your marketplace. Firearms-Broker.com believes in promoting responsible gun ownership. Firearms-Broker.com gives you a safe, secure and transparent way to buy guns online and offer guns for sale online by strict adherence to gun ownership policies and regulations through licensed firearms dealers as transfer agents. Happy gun hunting on Firearms-Broker.com! Citori 725 Feather Superlight BT-99 Micro with Adjustable Buttplate and Comb Citori 725 Sporting Parallel Comb with Adjustable Comb Citori Hunter Grade II FRANCHI INSTINCT SPORTING SL Citori 525 Field 16 Gauge FRANCHI Affinity 3 Citori 725 Sporting, Non-Ported Citori CXT White Citori CXS White Citori 725 Sporting, Non-Ported with Adjustable Comb Citori CXS 20/28 Gauge Combo Citori White Lightning Small Gauges Citori CXS with Adjustable Comb Citori CX White BT-99 with Adjustable Buttplate and Comb FRANCHI Affinity 3 Citori CX FRANCHI Affinity 3.5 BT-99 Max High Grade FRANCHI 48/AL 48 AL 20ga Semi-Auto Citori 725 Sporting Parallel Comb with Adjustable Comb Citori 725 Sporting, Non-Ported with Adjustable Comb Citori CXT White with Adjustable Comb Work more efficient NEW FIREARMS EVERYDAY TO MAKE YOUR EXPERIENCE THE BEST Our Trusted brands Login Username or email address* Password* Remember me Log in Lost your password?
The above is an archive of the content on Firearms-broker.com